Monday, September 24, 2012

How did you know that?

How can I define a beginning and an end? I have been thinking about that fact the whole weekend. We really need to classify every aspect of our lives to the extent of expressing always its beginning and its end? Today everything must be classified and catalogued. Relationships, friendships, trips, jobs, days, movies, books. Life itself! Everything has to have a beginning and an end, as if that form of 'naming' made that each thing remained in its time period, without leaving that place... It is so stupid that it's actually funny. Since when we finish a relationship and we automatically stop thinking about the other? Since when we say that a trip is over and its emotional effects stop as if by magic with our hypothetical 'end'? No, no, no. Every day it becomes more difficult to me to define beginnings and ends. Specially when everything insists on showing me that there is no timeline on which I could build my assumptions. I could use first times as initiators of what I want to classify as periods. First encounters, first deep glances, first shared shrieks of laughter, first disclosed secrets. But then I realize that first times are actually (grandiosely) arising in our life every minute of our existence, and most of the times it feels I felt them before. So the the plot thickens... However, I would like to focus on what I call 'period of being', separated from time and nomenclatures. And if you are asking yourself the reason of my coming back after so much time without writing... this being, this 'timeless being' is the answer.

I had one of the most extravagant weekends of my whole life. It was kind of revelation, as always occurs with trips, but somehow this time was different. The Latin word Omnia is the most accurate word to describe it: everything was connected to everything, everything was in its right place. The companies, the laughter, the strength of heart. I think I need a lot of time to digest everything I learned these days, but there are points that are already fresh in my mind and I would like to share.

'How did you know that?' I realized that when we learn something, we do not acquire new knowledge, but recover lost knowledge. To learn is to discover something that you knew it before. This concept is reflected in all areas and ways: knowledge, people, places... Don't you feel sometimes, when you meet someone for the first time, that you knew that person before? Or the same in a place where you know you've never been, but anyhow you've got a feeling that you had been there before? A smell, a feeling, a sound? It's quite amazing to find out how crazy all this stuff sounds and however how close it touches us all.

I discovered that two people together build a new way of being. Not a person, but a being. That is why it is said that some people are a kind of person when they're alone, and another kind when they meet someone else. They are actually not different kinds of people, they form just a new being together, and it is incredible how our minds take these beings and create new 'personality spaces' for them, separated from their individual 'personality spaces' we created before. Amazing, ah? Quite difficult to understand, but so enlightening when understood.

Earth. It is clear to me that it is alive. And I convince myself every time I breathe the sea salt and see the waves crashing against the shore, generating foam vortices and creating new shapes on the sand. We have been connecting with nature and it felt very peaceful to find ourselves as a part of something much more bigger than everything we have never imagined before.

Then I have been asking myself when all our paths crossed? When they met together to follow as one? There were so many setbacks in the middle of the road that now, when obstacles have been overcome, I can only be thankful, because in the end, everything is better than it could be (only if you want to). Omnia vincit Amor (love conquers all). Thanks for everything I learned, for all that I enjoyed, but specially to you, for making me notice that everything is inevitable as life itself.