Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New ways to give Life

This is a strange post. I don't know if it suits my Blog. Or probably seems so at first. But somehow I feel the duty to write about it, specially because I am used to talk about exceptional experiences  and this one is one of them. I am now through one of those moments when excitement and emotion fill each tiny part of your body and burst gushing, garnishing all over the place around you. And I can feel my blood through veins and arteries leading light. And precisely about blood is what I want to write today.

Today I donated blood.

I was very nervous, as always happens to me when I enter into a Hospital and start to break through the dark and labyrinthine corridors full of disease and desolation that characterizes them. But the nurses were very kind and despite my extreme nervousness, I decided to go on and reach my goal. I sat on a soft overstuffed blue chair, very comfortable by the way, and within minutes a small needle allowed my blood gradually to go outside from the stronger vein of my right arm into a container bag.

Ok. I am convinced that words are not enough for me to describe what I felt in those 10 minutes. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. What I thought? I could actually see small pieces of my life flowing in that blood through that pipes, as little beings full of life and light. In addition, I felt a bliss. Then I imagined the moment when all those bits of life, coming out from the depths of my being, entered into another bodies to become a part of their very foundations and brighten their beings from the inside. I saw vast green fields and joys at high speeds. I was completely thrilled, just knowing that I was giving life, and that I would be, somehow, connected to someone else through that gift.

Time passed quickly and soon the process was over. And suddenly I felt connected to everyone in the world. And part of the whole, and full of nothing. And I smiled.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Es increible como algo tan simple para nosotros es TAN importante para otros. Me paso el otro dia lo mismo.