When I was in Argentina I studied a lot about the German History, in particular about the time of the war. And it is a fact that the Holocaust was a consequence of the congruence of four major factors: the personality of Adolf Hitler, the Economic and Political situation of that time, the Culture, and the behaviour of the German society. And this last remark is the one who I am interested today. Some people say that Adolf Hitler's plans would not have developed in a different context, and that is why the Germans feel ashamed. Their parents, grandparents or great grandparents who might have voted for Adolf Hitler in the last free elections in 1933 could still be held accountable, even indirectly, for the war, the Holocaust and Nazi crimes.
I think all nationalities have done atrocities, some more than others, and I am frankly ashamed because I have to say in my country really horrible events happened during the military dictatorships. Every nationality has something in its past that it is not proud of. Americans have black slave trade and the near genocide of the Native Americans. Spanish have the Spanish Inquisition. Russians, Chinese, and Japanese have their fair history of atrocities. Chile, for example, shares some similarities with Argentina, and I am sorry because I know I am leaving a lot of other countries out.
From the moment I arrived I have never heard someone neglected work or speak bad things about it. I noticed that Germans like to work... they see it as a blessing and not as a sacrifice. That is really to highlight. I think we have to base our pride on those things that we have to be proud of, and don't worry about people who we can't change. The History is full of war genocide and plundering, and it is sad, but any people can resort to that behaviour if the situation is there. The History is not to make us feel embarrased, but to prevent things like that from happening again.
1 comment:
Santiago vos estas en alemania oriental verdad? porque ahi es donde se suele ver mucho el tema de el antipatriotismo aleman, por todo el tema de la segunda guerra mundial. estoy leyendo tu blog y es muy interesante estoy muy agradecido de que lo hayas hecho ya que me sirve de preparacion para mi viaje a alemania que es el 9 de septiembre! bueno, segui escribiendo, saludos desde paraguay. Rodrigo
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